NTPC Family

08-01-2024 | read

Final match of the Simhadri Women's Premier league was played on 08th January at Sadhna Kreeda Maidan.Total four teams participated in the tournament of which Top two teams of the points table namely, Simhadri Vikings and Fearless Fighters qualified for the finals. In a nail biting finish,Team Fearless Fighters won the Final match.

HOP Simhadri Shri Sanjay kumar Sinha along with president DLC Smt. Anju Sinha gave away the prizes to both the finalist teams and other players for their outstanding performances.

HOP louded the fighting spirit of both the teams and congratulated Sports Council on organizing an outstanding event.

GM(C&M), GM(CPG-3 C&M), President sports council and other dignitaries were also present.